Add or remove subscribers on IU List

Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For details about the impact to IU List specifically, see Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.

On this page:


As the owner of an IU List mailing list, you can invite people to subscribe and unsubscribe themselves (see Subscribe to an IU List mailing list and Unsubscribe from an IU List mailing list), or make the changes for them using the following instructions.

Only list owners can perform the actions described below.

Use the web interface

  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Under "View or Manage Subscribers", select Add/delete subscribers.
  4. On the "Manage list members" page:
    • To add one person, in the text box under "Email address:", enter the person's email address. If desired, check Quiet to suppress the automatic welcome message. Select Add. Then select Confirm.
    • To add multiple people at once, select Multiple add. In the large text box, enter addresses and names, one person per line, as follows:
      email1@domain1 Name1
      email2@domain2 Name2

      At the bottom of the page, if desired, check Quiet to suppress the automatic welcome message. Then select Add subscribers.

    • To remove people from the list, under "Subscriber Table", check the box next to the email address of each person you want to remove. (If necessary, you can search for people by email address or name using the text box above the subscriber table.) If you don't want to notify people of the removal, below the table, check the Quiet box. Below the table, select Delete selected email addresses. Then select Confirm.
    • In the subscriber table, you can select most of the column names to sort by that attribute.
    • Select the Toggle Selection (checkmark) icon at the left of the subscriber table heading to toggle all checkboxes between checked and unchecked.
    • Other options on the "Manage list members" page include viewing pending subscriptions or unsubscriptions and generating ("dumping") a plain-text file listing all subscribers. Choose the appropriate options near the top of the page under "Administrative Options".

Use email commands

Send subscribe or unsubscribe commands to the campus IU List administrative address (, as follows. You may include multiple lines, each with a different command, in a single message.

  • When sending a single command, put it in the subject line of the message, and leave the body blank.

  • When sending multiple commands in a single email message:

    • Leave the subject line blank and put all the commands in the email body.
    • Put every command on a new line.
    • Send your message in plain text, not in HTML (no formatting).
    • Don't include anything in the body other than IU List commands; do not include a signature block.

To add someone to the list:

ADD listname user@host firstname lastname

To add someone to the list without notifying the person:

QUIET ADD listname user@host firstname lastname

To remove someone from the list:

DELETE listname user@host

To remove someone from the list without notification:

QUIET DELETE listname user@host

Most lists will require you to confirm this request, by sending a confirmation code back to your original email address. It is possible to disable this confirmation in the list configuration; see the next section.

Set up automatic subscription

If you want to use processes or forms to automatically subscribe users to an IU List mailing list, you will need to manually adjust your list to allow automated processes to subscribe users without a confirmation message. This will weaken the security of your list. If you want your list to be more secure, you can add multiple subscribers at once using either of the subscription methods discussed in the previous sections.

If you want to use an automatic process, and you are not concerned about your list process being insecure, you can change the owner confirmation setting as follows.

  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Under "List Configuration", select Change who can (un)subscribe and view list information.
  4. Under "Who can subscribe to the list", choose anyone, notification is sent to the list owner or anyone, no welcome message.
  5. Under "Who can unsubscribe", select open.
  6. At the bottom of the page, select Apply modifications.

You may now send automated mailings from the owner address to add or remove users from your list without confirmation, using the email commands listed in the previous section.

Add a list as a sublist of another

One IU List list can be a sublist of another list, so that the subscribers of the sublist receive all messages sent to the larger list, but also can receive messages shared with only the smaller group when appropriate. You must be an owner of both lists to request this; email the UITS Support Center, specifying the name of both lists.

An automated process will sync the members of the sublist to the list within an hour. To sync the subscribers from the sublist sooner:

  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list (see above).
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Under "View or Manage Subscribers", select Add/delete subscribers.
  4. Below the "Administrative Options" menu, select Synchronize members with data sources. This will force the process to run immediately, adding the sublist members to the list.
Never add an IU List email address directly to the subscriber list of another mailing list, as this may cause email to bounce with a "Too many hops" error.

This is document bbvw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-03-25 09:31:55.