Install and use IU's Kaltura Personal Capture

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Kaltura Personal Capture is a desktop application that helps you record presentations and screencasts using any combination of voice, webcam video, screen action, and PowerPoint slides. You can then upload and manage your recordings alongside other Kaltura content in MediaSpace and/or the Kaltura tools in Canvas (My Media and Media Gallery).

Personal Capture has a maximum recording time of two hours. If you are recording and reach the two-hour mark, Personal Capture will end the recording.

Install Personal Capture

To install Personal Capture on your desktop:

  1. To log into Kaltura MediaSpace, select the Guest icon (Guest icon in MediaSpace or Guest button in MediaSpace).

  2. At the top right, choose Add New, and then select Personal Capture.
    You may need to widen your screen to see all available options.
  3. If your browser prompts you to approve the download, select whichever option allows the download to proceed.
  4. When the download is complete:
    • In Windows, select the Personal Capture installer, and then follow prompts to complete the installation.
    • In macOS, drag the Personal Capture icon to the Applications folder.
  5. When the installation is complete, return to MediaSpace; then, to launch the software, choose Add New, and then select Personal Capture again.
If you encounter a permissions error while installing Personal Capture, contact your department's local UITS support person or desktop administrator.

Record with Personal Capture

Kaltura Personal Capture lets you record video and audio from multiple sources. To select sources, in the "Kaltura Personal Capture" window, select each of the three drop-down menus and choose the cameras, screens, or microphones you wish to record:

Recording source options

For instructions with screenshots, see Kaltura Capture User Guide.

Get help

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

This is document ahpu in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-08 13:11:51.